Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I have been asked by a couple of people to clarify the criteria. The post said:

" But I warn you, even though we will all check our certifications at the door, I am hoping to have presentations at these meetings aimed at people who perform hands-on operational security work. If you are a security novice or spend your days writing policy, this group may not be for you."

Some of my favorite people are policy writers with a good technical background, so let's modify the criteria a little.

If someone starts talking geek and you immediately zone out and go to sleep, then this is the wrong crowd for you. If on the other hand you immediately lean closer, and ask for more information, then you're in the right place.

Hope this helps!


Inaugural Event

The date and location has been set:

The first event will be on Friday April 13th, (What better day than Friday the 13th?), at O'Hanlon's Pub, 1947 Scarth St. at 7 PM.

See y'all there.